Zooville USA
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Zoo FAQs
What is Zooville USA?
Zooville USA is a nonprofit zoo and education center. Using the Zoo itself as the ideal classroom, we are deeply committed to teaching lessons of conservation, preservation and respect towards wild animals and wild places in this uniquely motivational outdoor learning environment. In today’s society, we have an indoor, sedentary youth, whose main source of exercise is moving to the next electronic device; TV, video games, computers, social networking, ipods, cell phone texting, etc. They have developed what noted author and scholar Richard Louv coined as “Nature Deficit Disorder.” Studies are now connecting this lack of nature in children’s lives to the rise in obesity, attention disorders, and depression. A child outside enjoying nature is an endangered species! Facilities like Zooville USA play an integral role in bringing to light not just the beauty of nature, but the tremendous importance of it to our individual health and well-being. We are helping the youth of our community find their inner wild by disconnecting them from technology and reconnecting them with life!
What is your mission?
Zooville USA’s mission is to connect our visitors with the wonders of the natural world, and through wildlife exhibition and education, to inspire actions that will create a better future for wild animals and wild places.
How long has Zooville USA been around?
Zooville USA was initially founded in 1997 in Tampa, FL under the name of Preservation Station, Inc. Its founding mission was to return the extinct Barbary Lion back to the wild. This was to be done by working with the government of Morocco, world renowned geneticists and conservation groups to establish a DNA test for lions with certain morphological characteristics, and those of known Barbary pedigrees, and propagate lions from these captive collections and return them back to the wild! However, over time, we soon found ourselves becoming a safe haven for a variety of amazing exotics. In an effort to help these wonderful and greatly misunderstood creatures, we grew by leaps and bounds. By 2009, with more than 60 animals and 30+ species in our care, we found ourselves quickly evolving into a community zoo and education center. In April 2009, Zooville USA was officially formed to provide an enlightening, educational and accessible animal experience that is fun for the youth of our community.
Where does your funding come from?
Zooville USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that receives no money from the government. The income we receive from educational programs, tours, events, sponsorships, grants and online sales is instrumental in allowing us to care and provide for our animal family.
Are you accredited by the AZA or any other organization?
No. While we respect the work of the AZA, we have chosen to not participate in their programs, although several of our crew are individual members. We are members of the ZAA (the Zoological Association of America) which is another accrediting agency for zoological organizations. We will be seeking accreditation through this organization.
Participation in organizations such as The AZA, ZAA, ASA, GFAS is basically no different than choosing to join any club. Participation is not mandatory, although just like American Express, membership has its privileges. When looking at supporting an organization, you should judge the organization on its merit, not its participation (or lack thereof) in a club.
An accrediting organization is not the same a regulatory agency. Zooville USA is regulated by several government agencies that set the standards of care required by law. Zooville USA not only meets, but exceeds many of the requirements set forth in the regulations. We are licensed and inspected by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, The US Department of Agriculture and The US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Who founded Zooville USA?
Zooville USA was founded by Susan Bradshaw, a compassionate wildlife enthusiast with more than 20 years of experience housing and caring for captive wildlife and a desire to make a difference.
Is Zooville USA a wildlife sanctuary?
No. While many people may refer toZooville USAas a sanctuary, we do not use that term to describe us. We use the terms wildlife center or zoo to describe our facility.
The term “Sanctuary” has been used to confuse and manipulate the public into believing that it is something more, better, different than what it really is. In truth, it’s just a word. Other words commonly used in the wildlife industry are: zoo, preserve, reserve, conservation center, wildlife center, menagerie, rescue, refuge, farm, ranch, safari, and garden, just to name a few. Regardless of the monikeran organization chooses to use, it does not indicate that a higher standard of care is being provided, it does not mean they answer to any other agencies or are in any way superior. Nationally, we all answer to the same regulations (the USDA) without exception, and depending on geographic location, we answer to the same State regulations. Here in Florida, whether we refer to ourselves as Sanctuary or Zoo, we answer equally to the FWC as well as the USDA.
How many people does Zooville USA employ?
Zooville USA is a 100% volunteer run organization. We are currently expanding our program to keep up with the needs of a growing organization.
What professional organizations are you members of?
Zooville USA has crew that are members of the Zoological Association of America, the American Association of Zoo Keepers, the International Wildlife Rehabilitator’s Association, and International Zoo Educator’s Association.
How much money does it cost to operate Zooville USA?
Zooville USA operates on a yearly budget of roughly $350,000. While we receive no government funding, we receive a generous amount of in-kind donations which offsets the majority of our expenses, along with individual contributions, income from tours and programs, which allows us to continue and to grow into an integral part of our community.
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