AMERICAN BADGER (Taxidea taxus)
What is the difference
between American and European badgers?
There are 11 species
of badgers across the world. They are part of the Mustelid family which
includes otters, ferrets, wolverine, and pine martens. American badgers are
smaller than their European relatives. American badgers are also solitary
animals and mostly carnivorous, whereas European badgers are social animals who
are omnivorous. Both species of badgers live in underground burrows, which is
also where they give birth.
What is torpor?
Torpor is similar to hibernation; in that it
helps an animal preserve energy and resources during a difficult winter. Badgers
will start to consume more food to add a large amount of fat reserves before
the cold winter months. This allows them to remain mostly in their burrows with
reduced metabolism and body temperature. This dramatically cuts down on the amount
of food needed to survive.
Where do American
badgers live?
American badgers can be found across the
United States and Canada, and into Northern Mexico. American badgers are the
only species of badger found in North or South America. They live in
underground burrows, typically in grasslands. Each badger will have an
extensive network of tunnels across their territory.
As they are solitary
animals, they live alone unless they are caring for their young. Female badgers
will bring grasses and other nesting materials into their burrow before they
give birth to keep their young warm after birth. They typically give birth in
April or May and the young badgers will stay in the safety of the burrow for
about 6 weeks before starting to venture out. They will learn how to hunt from
their mother before moving on and finding their own territory.
What do American
badgers eat?
American badgers are carnivores and will
mostly eat burrowing animals such as voles and prairie dogs. They are excellent
diggers so they will hunt and catch animals hiding in their burrows or nests. They
will also eat snakes, lizards, birds, and eggs.
Are American badgers
American badgers are considered of Least
Concern by the IUCN Red List. However, their numbers have been declining over
time and this is mostly due to habitat loss. Badgers are an important part of
the ecosystem as they are excellent at keeping rodent and snake populations in