Zooville USA
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African Civet
African Grey Parrot
Amazon Parrot
American Badger
Black Bear
European Badger
Fennec Fox
Ruffed Lemur
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Animal FAQs
Do you do public interactions with your animals?
No. At this time we do not do any animal interactions with the general public. While that may be subject to change in the future, it is not a practice we currently choose to offer.
What happens to Zooville USA’s animals when they pass away?
All of our animals are given a necropsy to determine the cause of death, particularly in the event an animal passes unexpectedly. A member of the Zoo Crew (either a caregiver or a vet team member) will make an imprint of a paw which is then given to the people who played an important role in that animal’s life as a thank you and a special keepsake. We firmly believe that even in death an animal can still continue to educate. Our animals are frequently donated to Museums of Natural History or Museums of Osteology. Those that are not are cremated and laid to rest here in Zooville.
What do you do in the event of a hurricane or other natural disaster?
All of our large carnivores have concrete culverts that weigh upwards of 20,000 lbswhich can withstand a category 5 hurricane. Our animals are trained to lock down inside these culverts and each one is secured independently of the habitat, so if the habitat should sustain any damage, it will not affect the security of the lockdown. All of our smaller animals have smaller culverts as well, or can be easily caught and locked down in a secure building. We maintain a variety of capture equipment and crew members trained to use it in the event it should ever become needed.
What is your safety record at Zooville USA?
Since our beginning in 1994, no animal has ever escaped Zooville USA, and no member of the public has ever been injured by one of our animals. We are deeply committed to safety - the safety of our staff, animals, and the public is our highest priority.
How much food do you go through a year?
Our Zoo Crew prepare special diets for each animal daily. We feed an average of 18 tons of meat per year, 9 tons of produce, 3000 loaves of bread and 2000 pounds of zoological diets.
Where do you get the food for your animals?
We have been very fortunate in that we receive all of our quality meat, fresh produce and bread from generous donors who prefer to remain anonymous. Our zoological diets are purchased through the support of individuals who donate specifically tohelp us purchase bags of the species specific diets we need.
Does Zooville USA breed any of its animals?
Zooville USA does breed a few of its smaller animals, with a focus on African Civets. There are currently only 7 African Civets in US zoos, and they are equally as scarce in zoos around the world. Zooville USA is home to one of the only (if not the only) reproductively capable female civets in the country, and we have high hopes for her. They are a wonderfully unique animal and we hope with our help they will soon be part of animal education and conservation programs all over the US.
Don’t these animals belong in the wild? They don’t belong in cages!
In a perfect world we might agree with that. But the cold hard reality is that this is far from a perfect world and there is no longer such a thing as the wild. The “wild” has become fragmented pieces of land intertwined with development governed by agencies whose best interests are less than honorable and certainly not in the interest of the local wildlife. The earth is facing its sixth mass extinction, and this one – unlike the others – is completely at the hands of man! Until we change the way we look at and value the wildlife and other resources of this great planet, we are on a collision course from which there is no return. These are not expendable resources. All life is intertwined – a web - and when you destroy one part, you slowly erode the whole. The web collapses. Until such time as we can create a change in the way people think on a global scale, we whole-heartedly believe that captive holding and propagation of species is not only justified, but we would be irresponsible to not do so.
Do your animals receive regular veterinary care?
Yes! Our animals are looked at daily by trained caregivers and at the first sign of a problem our vet team is notified. If it warrants, the animal is either transported to the vet clinic, or the vet team comes on site to treat the problem. A member of our vet staff does an independent walk through once a week just to oversee the health of our animal family. Our vet team is on call 24/7 365 days a year!
How do you choose what animals come to Zooville USA?
First we have to look at the requirements of the animal. What size habitat does it require, what diet and supplements does it require, and does it have any special or ongoing veterinary needs or concerns. Once we look at all of that we have to look at how it fits into our current situation and how it affects future plans. We are not a “rescue” so while we will help animals in need whenever possible, we have to first look at how it affects our overall capabilities. People often condemn facilities because they may turn away an animal such as a brown bear but yet will give a home to a black bear. The cost associated with a brown bear in Florida (even just the minimum State regulations) are more than double that of a black bear, and a facility’s first obligation is to not cause itself financial hardship and jeopardize and entire collection for the sake of one animal. That may sound harsh, but it is the only responsible choice.
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