
Where can I find Amazon parrots in the wild?
   Amazons form the genus call Amazona, of some 27 species that can be found in Central and South America, from Mexico to Argentina, and some islands around the Caribbean. The "mainland" species of Amazons are extremely popular as pets and increasingly being bred in aviculture. It is said that Columbus brought the first Amazons into Europe when he returned from his voyage in 1492. Since that time they have been kept and enjoyed as pets, their ability to mimic voices and sound is amazing, and they often become very devoted companions.

What qualities do all Amazon parrots share?
   Amazons are gaily and boldly colored birds. Their plumage, which is evenly but thinly distributed over their bodies, consists of patches of solid color, often sharply contrasting one with another.
All parrots share a number of distinctive features. The most obvious of these is the characteristic parrot bill which consists of a downward-curving and somewhat hooked upper mandible which fits neatly over a smaller, upward-curving lower mandible. The feet of parrots are also unusual. The two outer toes of the foot point backwards and grip in opposition to the two forward pointing inner toes, providing them with an extremely powerful grasp, enabling them to hold and manipulate objects close to their bill.

Do Amazon parrots make nests?
   Amazons nest in holes in trees. The two to five white eggs hatch after about three weeks. The helpless young are fed by both parents on predigested food that is regurgitated. Many trees in their natural habitat have been destroyed. This is especially true of the Island species, as hurricanes and tropical storms sweep across the islands and destroy many trees that are not strong enough to withstand their power. Older trees are also selectively felled by the logging companies. Quite often Amazons may be nesting in the tree and lose a clutch of eggs or chicks

Are Amazon parrots endangered?
   Species that are endemic to certain Caribbean Islands like the St Lucia Parrot (Amazona versicolour), St Vincent Parrot (A.Guilgingii), Imperial Parrot (A.Imperialis), Red-Necked Parrot (A.arausiaca) and the Cuban Parrot (A.leucoceplala) are under great threat both from natural occurring disasters (hurricanes and volcanic eruptions), but also from the native population, and even smaller numbers for the captive bird trade.